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Book a Spot! After School Club - Summer 2021

Writer's picture: Diana LittlejohnsDiana Littlejohns

'I can't believe how much Rosa takes in from your classes - she always has so much to say about it - Conservation - at bedtime!' Isabella, Rosa's mum, wrote when thanking me for the workshops.

'Abi has definitely improved her colouring and has got more confident in drawing with your workshops!' said Abi's mum, Jane.

'Thank you very much for your great Conservation Art session. Rex and I really enjoyed it, and we both learnt a lot about our beautiful birds; I hadn't realised how critically endangered some of them are...we're looking forward to the next one!' Becky, Rose & Rex's mum said.

The photos below show my remote online workshops for children from 4 to 8 years old - Teaching Children Conservation Through Art. I also lead workshops internationally and regularly in Africa too.

As children are now settled back at school after being in lockdown, and after such a positive response from running my workshops remotely online in 2020 and 2021 so far, I'm thrilled to be able to offer a regular After School Club for children everywhere to enjoy from the comfort of their homes in Summer Term 2021.

I'm offering one just before the Easter holiday for £5.50 per screen, so if you would like to book onto this for a trial, please email sooner rather than later as I have a select number of places;

- Wednesday 24th March at 4.30 pm - Earth Hour & Wildflowers

Summer Term Schedule:

The club starts at 4.30 pm Wednesday afternoons.

- 28th April - Galapagos Islands

- 5th May - Oceans & David Attenborough

- 12th May - Amazon Rainforest

- 19th May - Pangolin Conservation

- 26th May - Otter Conservation

The workshops will last for approx 35 to 40 minutes - not too long for the children to be on Zoom, but enough time for you to sit down and have a cup of tea!


To sign up for the first half of the Summer term, it would be £27.50 per child (£5.50 per workshop) or £40 for two children using the same computer screen (£8 for two children per workshop).

All children need is a computer/tablet, some pencils, crayons or pens and a printer to print out the sketches in advance of the workshops. Parents and siblings are welcome to join in for a bit of art therapy too.

These Conservation Art workshops give kids a creative outlet and are carefully designed to be fun and educational. In the words of Albert Einstein, 'Play is the highest form of research.'

To enquire and book, please email at your earliest convenience. Thank you.


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